The Weight of Ink, by Rachel Kadish
Started 08.09.20 • Finished 09.09.20 / 2 stars
I beg you, then, to cease your bitter regrets, which give your soul no rest.
Had we looked into how many pages this novel is (almost 600!), we may have chosen another for our August book club read. We had split opinions on this one, with some loving it and some not a fan. I found it to be a long slog with a lot more on the pages than needed to be, making it much longer than it could have been. There were snippets of beautiful writing but not enough to make me feel differently about the book.
Our life is a walk in the night, we know not how great the distance to the dawn that awaits us. And the path is strewn with stumbling blocks and our bodies are grown tyrannous with weeping yet we lift our feet. We lift our feet.
If you like the kind of fiction that jumps back and forth between two time periods, or things in the historical fiction genre, you would probably enjoy this. Just be prepared to be reading for a long time!
...she answered him with a small smile that held the world’s mercy.