Fruitful, by Megan Hill, Melissa Kruger, et al.
44/60 | Started 04.28.24 • Finished 08.08.24 | 5 stars
This spring release from The Gospel Coalition was chosen as our church's women's ministry summer Bible study. This 40 day devotional (plus some recipes to boot) through the fruit of the Spirit has a number of newer contributors, one for each aspect of the fruit. So, each aspect gets four days, all of which are written by the same author, which helped bring continuity. Each followed a progression of thought from a Biblical definition to Jesus's display of that aspect, to what it means for the reader to cultivate it in our own souls, to ramifications in our relationships with others.
I found this to be a really straightforward exploration of the fruit of the Spirit, and while a light lift - only about three pages per day - really dug down deep, pulling in other passages of Scripture, thoughtful quotes, and helpful responses, questions, and prayers. I would recommend this to any woman looking for a devotional that is easy on time but avoids the fluffy surface-level emotive stuff of many women's devotionals.
Oh, Lord, I want to be a woman who bears an increasing harvest of fruit with each passing year. Plant me in your house and let me flourish in your courts. Thank you for making me righteous in Christ and giving me a home with your people. Bless me, that I might be a blessing to others all the days of my life.