When I Don't Desire God, by John Piper (free!)
Introducing Romans, by Christopher Ash (free!)
Social Sanity in an Insta World, edited by Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra (free!)
Acts Abide Bible Journal, from Thomas Nelson (free!)
The Sower, by Scott James
Encouragement for the Depressed, by Charles Spurgeon
ESV Prayer Journal: 30 Days on the Gospel, from Crossway (free!)
Polly and the Screen Time Overload, by Betsy Childs Howard
Ten Words to Live By, by Jen Wilkin
12 Faithful Women, edited by Melissa Kruger and Kristen Wetherell (free!)
Tears and Tossings, by Sarah Walton
Psalms ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal, from Crossway (free!)

Praying in Public, by Pat Quinn
The Pastor as Counselor, by David Powlison
Deeper, by Dane C. Ortlund
The Care of Souls, by Harold L. Senkbeil
Jesus Through the Eyes of Women, by Rebecca McLaughlin
ESV Prayer Journal: 30 Days on Humility, from Crossway (free!)