Adventures with Waffles, by Maria Parr
9/60 | Started 01.10.24 • Finished 02.12.24 | 5 stars
A delightful collection of sometimes hilarious, sometimes heart-tugging adventures in Mathildewick Cove, featuring best friends Lena and Trille. Carolyn loved this as a read-aloud.
I stood there looking at him for a while, feeling as if my heart were growing inside my chest so that there wasn't any more space. I wanted to give Grandpa all the good things in the whole world.
I just learned there's a follow up book that released in May last year called Lena, the Sea, and Me. Looks like it's for a little bit older (Trille and Lena being about 12) but I'll probably get it and hold on to it for a read-aloud in 3rd grade or so.
