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Friendish, by Kelly Needham

4/25 | Started 01.27.21 • Finished 02.16.21 | 5 stars

Loved, loved this book. And what a timely read for this period of our history, what with the isolation and loneliness so many of us have experienced. The main premise of the book is that we don't solve loneliness through friendships, we overcome loneliness with Christ. It sounds trite, but it is indeed powerful. A person cannot be truly free to love others until he finds stability, companionship, and significance in Christ.

If sin is the cause of our loneliness, then Christ, not a human relationship like friendship, is the solution. Not only is he the solution to free us from our sin, he is the only one who can fully satisfy all our longings for companionship and our desire to have someone always present and available.

God may provide for us through the lives of others but he would never want us to elevate one person (or persons) into his rightful place on the throne of our hearts. We must be careful to avoid making friendship an idol. Friendship isn't primarily about getting our own needs met, but about stirring one another up toward joy in Christ. Yes, Jonathan and David are an example of where deep friendship takes place in the Bible, but they weren't in it for each other. Rather they were in it for the furthering of the kingdom of God and his plan for his people.

It matters little what we prefer above God, only that we prefer it to him.

Needham then walks the reader through what she calls "marks of a counterfeit". These are helpful descriptions for how to know when a friendship is more than it should be. Jesus is our only saving friendship, and we must pursue him first. She also helps the reader redefine friendship, our needs, our enemy, and our mission. In addition, there are three appendices which provide helpful information about various aspects of friendship, including how to take a break.

The temptation to trust in friends instead of Christ will pop up frequently. But knowing that our significance is found in Jesus means we don't have to give in to temptation. We can be self-controlled by running to Jesus in those moments of insecurity rather than our friends.

In Friendish, Kelly Needham gently but unabashedly directs us to look at the common but often unseen idol of friendship. She then redirects our affections to Christ and our motives to mutual deepening of joy, encouragment, and support. I think everyone who is in relationship with other people should read this book. This means you.

A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleine L'Engle

8/25 | Started 01.28.21 • Finished 02.26.21

"The book is about a girl named Meg, two boys, who are Charles Wallace and Calvin, Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Which, and missing father. They travel to a planet called Camazotz where they find father. Charles Wallace goes into IT, a brain who had control of the planet. Everyone leaves except Charles to another planet where aliens save Meg from the Black Thing after almost being killed by it. After she recovers, she goes back with Mrs. Which, who then leaves her upon arrival. Meg went to IT and used love to save Charles. After that they went back and were reunited." - Timothy, age 12

"Lewis and Clark set off in St. Louis. During the expedition, they had little food. They met Indian tribes, some of which were friendly and kind, some were unkind and mean to the travelers. The Blackfeet tried to steal their guns. Sacajawea was kind, and she traveled with them. when they returned, President Jefferson promoted and congratulated them. A few times during the trip, people got sick from stuffing themselves right after starving, and some people died. One man, I forget who, was captured by the Blackfeet and escaped." - Neph, age 10

A Long Way From Chicago, by Richard Peck

Started 02.10.21 • Finished 02.24.21

"The book is about children visiting their grandma in her town every summer. The stories jump from year to year from the 1920s to 1930s. Stories include Mouse in the Milk, which is a story where Grandma tries to get the better of the Cowgill brothers, Centennial Summer, Things with Wings, and the Phantom Brakeman. Each chapter begins the same and ends the same when the children get off and on the train. Four stars for this one. Reason is because in some of the chapters Grandma lies."

Timothy, age 12

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