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Indian Captive, by Lois Lenski

Started 03.18.21 • Finished 04.09.21

"Mary Jemison is a girl who loves corn and only eats it. One day she and her family are attacked by Indians and take Molly captive to a Seneca town. There she learns their language and is able to speak through her sadness. One day she sees a familiar face. His name was Fallenash and he brought news that a fort had fallen. Meanwhile Mary (now Corn Tassel) grows to love the Indians and when she gets a chance to leave them she decides to stay. Five stars."

Timothy, age 12

Started 03.15.21 • Finished 03.24.21

"This is a book about the Erie Canal. Timmy O'Dowd wants to be a packet captain like Cap'n Sam. The canal's berm often breaks so when a HUGE rainstorm hits, the berm practically disintegrates. Farmers have trouble with it until Timmy's show-offy cousin Dennis thinks up a plan and saves the canal, which was kind of a ditch. A log is dropped in, and it floats into the break. The log has to be pushed in by men, and then the water stops. At first, Timmy and Dennis didn't like each other but they became friends."

Neph, age 10

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